(Solved)Exchange 2007 - "Send As" Public Folder E-Mail
I am currently working on a Exchange 2007 environment that was upgraded from Exchange 2003. Back in Exchange 2003 I was able to give a user "Send As" rights for a public folder and then they could send e-mail on behalf of that Public Folders e-mail address. I have been able to mail-enable a public folder using the Exchange Management Shell, but have not been able to find a command to give a user Send As rights to send as that public folder e-mail address. Is this even possible yet in Exchange 2007 with a Public Folder?
I finally dug up the cmdlet to use for granting "Send on behalf" for a public folder in a Exchange 2007 environment. Here is the syntax I used...
set-mailpublicfolder "pathtoyourPF" -grantsendonbehalfto "AD User"
I thought I may have to also grant "Send As" rights, but I was not able to find how to set that with any commands. So we just gave it a try and it worked with out throwing back any permission errors.
June 22nd, 2007 5:16pm
Hello Eric,
It is possible to use send on behalf for public folders. I dont know the exact cmdlet. but we installed the Exchange SP1 (beta) servicepack and there is a Public folder managemant console. using the console go to the requested public folder and check the properties/ mailflow setings / delivery options
good luck
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July 2nd, 2007 1:14pm
Thanks for the reply Dennis.
Do you know if the PF management console in SP1 gives you the cmdlet function after you complete that job? I know in the management console for a lot of functions it will give you the corresponding Exchange Shell code. I don't have SP1 installed yet being it is still in Beta....but if you could look and see if it shows the actual cmdlet for doing the send on behalf it would be much appreciated!
July 2nd, 2007 4:29pm
Here is a sample of the code to do "Send As" for a public folder in the EMS.
To grant send as permission to the user Kim for the mail-enabled public folder named Marketing Department Run the following command:
Add-ADPermission "Marketing Department" -User "Contoso.com\Kim" -Extendedrights "Send As"
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July 19th, 2007 6:58pm